Sorry its been a while since my last blog, but I have been very busy at work outside of my local area of Harwich. Plus I recently decided, to move my retirement date a bit earlier, and I stop work at the end of July 2014.
So its been lots of discussions with my IFA on options, and company pensions.
It has also been quite sad going around the schools and play group that I go to, to inform them of my retirement.
But as I am sure you are all aware, I have not had the best of health over the past year, so its the right decision for me.
So we have 4 cruises to look forward to over the next 18 months, and, as I now do not have to worry about booking annual leave, we might squeeze in some long weekenders (Sue is still working)
So as long as the weather holds fine for August, you will find me in the garden, looking at the wildlife