One of the main attractions was that it was sailing from Harwich, which is only a 20 minute journey in the car, and it happens to be where I work.
It did seem a tad strange though, it was embarkation day, and we had still not packed, but we soon rectified that, and after an early lunch, our car arrived to take us to the port, and in just over an hour we had boarded, and unpacking the cases we had packed only 3 hours before.
I still do not understand why Fred's muster needs to take you in single file, hands upon the passengers shoulder in front of you, wearing your life jacket, out onto the prom deck to your lifeboat from your assembly point.
Muster over and we set sail, passing many of the landmarks I know well from the shore, but they look different somehow from a cruise ship.
We even had well wishers on Halfpenny Pier, including our Daughter and Grandson.
We had a table for 6 in the Thistle restaurant overlooking the wake of the ship. The food was of a good standard with plenty of choice, and our fellow guests at the table provided good company for the meal.
The show for the evening was "From the West End to Broadway" a selection of songs performed by the theatre company who had only boarded themselves today, but did not show any first night nerves.
They did end up in a bit of a battle with some passengers in the lounge who were trying to have a conversation during the show :-( but I'm glad to report, they won in the end.
This morning, we awoke to blue skies and sunshine, so after breakfast, we found a sunny spot on the prom deck

It's got a tad warm, so we have retreated to the pub for me to type my blog. I might even try a gentle session in the gym.
It's now after lunch
Gym was OK, but I was a tad warm afterwards so needed a pint :-)
My regular readers will know that Sue and I do like a good quiz whilst on holiday, we did one last night, but did not fair that well. However, this morning it was "Name That Tune". I have to say at this point it was 99% Sue, but we managed a very respectable 15/15 and won the quiz along with a few "prize points" which hopefully will increase as the cruise progresses.
It's a formal night tonight, and the Captains welcome party, so time to dress up.
One thing I had forgotten to mention was that when we booked the cruise a while ago, we were offered an all inclusive drinks package at £6.99 pppd, which of course we took.
Well as two glasses of wine are £7.20 I think it was a good deal.
Another sea day tomorrow, before we reach Portugal on Friday, which is when I will post ( hopefully ) this blog.
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